Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ulcerative Colitis

v Ulcerative Colitis

- Diffuse inflammation and ulceration of the mucosal wall of the large intestines and rectum

- Starts in the rectosigmoid area and spreads upward

- There is a significant relationship between ulcerative colitis of more than 10 years and colon cancer

- Etiology: unknown but relates to infection, autoimmune, stress, allergies and familial history of the disease

- Inflammation starts at the rectosigmoid area and spreads to proximally to cecum

- Due to inflammation edema and thickening of the mucosa occurs

- Abscess develops leading to bleeding, and purulent discharges. Colon become necrotic and scaring form impairing its functions

- Clinical Manifestation

- Crampy, abdominal pain

- Diarrhea with blood and mucous, may hay pus

- Weight loss

- Anorexia, nausea, vomiting

- Often LLQ pain

- Abdominal distention

- Weakness

- Low grade fever

- Signs of dehydration

- Diagnostics

- Proctosigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy

- Barium enema

- Management

- Medications same in Crohn’s disease

- Surgery:

- Colectomy and colostomy

- Proctocolectomy

- Ileostomy

- Ileoanal anastomosis

- Nursing Management:

- High protein, high calorie, low residue diet with no milk products and gas forming foods

- Weight daily and monitor kcal counts

- Record number and characteristic of stool

- Promote rest and comfort

- Maintain skin integrity and provide skin care

- Minimize and prevent stress as possible

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