Thursday, March 19, 2009

Liver: Hepatitis

Ø Liver

- Located at the upper right quadrant of the abdomen

- Stellate reticuloendothelial (Kupffer) cell – destroys worn out WBC and RBC, bacteria and other foreign matter

- Hepatocytes produce bile stored in the gallbladder

- Functions:

- Carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism

- Process drugs and hormones

- Excretion of bilirubin and bile salts

- Activation of Vit D

- Storage of ADEK, iron, copper

- Phagocytosis

  • Hepatitis

- Inflammation of the liver due to damage with hepatic cells degeneration and necrosis

- Caused by infection, hepatotxins like medications

- Viral hepatitis involves widespread inflammation of the liver and the most common cause of hepatitis

- 5 types of hepatitis virus are named: Hepatitis Virus A, B, C, D, and E

- Other types of hepatitis are alcoholic hepatitis and toxic non viral hepatitis

- Hepatitis A

- IP: 15-45 days

- Fecal- oral route

- Often occurs in crowded living conditions

- From contaminated foods

- Hepatitis B

- IP: 50-180 days

- Transmitted by blood and body fluids

- Often by contaminated needles

- Polygamous sexual contact

- Hepatitis C

- IP: 7-50 days

- Transmission same as HBV

- 40 % of cases leads to chronic liver disease

- Hepatitis D

- IP: 14-56 days

- Same as HBV

- Co infects people w/ HBV

- Commonly seen in drug abuser


- Hepatitis E

- IP: 15-64 days

- Fecal oral route, usually water-borne

- Alcoholic hepatitis

- Caused by heavy alcohol ingestion

- Often leads to liver cirrhosis

- Toxic non viral hepatitis

- Exposure to hepatotoxic drugs paracetamol, aspirin, isoniazid, tetracycline

- Clinical manifestations (divided into 3 stages)

- Pre-icteric stage

- Fatigue, malaise, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, RUQ pain, weight loss, hepatomegaly

- Elevated AST, ALT, and bilirubin

- Icteric stage

- Jaundice, pruritus, fatigue, malaise, n&v, large tender liver

- Dark urine, light colored stools

- Post icteric stage

- Fatigue, decreasing jaundice, improved appetite

- Decreasing of hepatomegaly, stool and urine color return to normal

- Diagnostics

- Serum AST, ALT, bilirubin, blood glucose,

- Liver biopsy

- Ultrasound

- Specific diagnostics for Viral hepatitis

- Hepatitis A

- HAV on stool before onset of dse

- Presence of anti HAV(IgM) confirms dx in acute stage

- Anti HAV (IgG) indicates previous infection HAV and provides lifelong immunity

- Hepatitis B

- Hepatitis B surface antigen indicates acute infection

- Hepatitis B e antigen (HBVeAg) infection disappears before jaundice

- Antibody to HB surface antigen indicates immunity and HBV vaccination

- Hepatitis C

- HCV antigen and antibodies


- Hepatitis D

- HDV antibodies titer

- Hepatitis E

- Anti HEV

- Management: based on presenting signs and symptoms

- Dramamaine for severe nausea

- IVF to prevent dehydration

- Vit B complex

- Vit K

- Nursing intervention

- Small frequent meals of low Na, low fat, moderate to high protein, high CHO,

- Bed rest for 1-2 weeks gradually increasing activity as tolerated

- Skin care

- Abstain from alcohol

- Increase fluid intake

- Administer medications as ordered

- Give daily vitamins supplements

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