Friday, July 17, 2009

psych:mental health


Mental Health

 World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”

 in contact with reality and the environment in ways that are in accord with oneself and possess the ability to love, work and resolve conflicts within a framework of reasonability

 A state of emotional, psychological and social wellness evidenced by satisfying interpersonal relationships, effective behavior and coping, positive self concept and emotional stability

 Simultaneous success at working, loving and creating with the capacity for mature and flexible resolutions of conflicts between instincts, conscience and important other people and reality (American Psychiatric Association, 1980)

Mental Illness

 State of imbalance characterized by a disturbance in the persons thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

 A clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern the occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering, death, pain, disability or important loss of freedom

 Not limited to relations between person and society

Incidence and Prevalence of Mental Health
• 5.7% of American adults over the age of 18 have a serious mental disorder in any 12 month period
• 25% of Americans are affected by mental and addictive disorders each year
• Anxiety disorders accounts as having the highest percentages of mental illness
Elements of Mental Health

1. self-acceptance/self-esteem
2. perceives reality accurately
3. personal growth / achieves a unifying, integrated outlook in life
4. sense purpose and meaning- maximizes one’s potential
5. positive relations with others
6. environmental mastery
7. autonomy or self-determination

Factors that Influence Mental Health

1. inherited characteristics
2. nurturing during childhood
3. life circumstances
4. interpersonal
5. sociocultural

General Causes of Mental Disorders

1. Biological
a. Genetic theory- temperament
b. Neurotransmitter- dopamine is associated with schizophrenia
c. Brain abnormality- post traumatic stress syndrome
d. Age
e. Gender
f. Physical illness

2. Psychological
a. Coping skills, interpersonal relationships
b. Early childhood experiences

3. Psychosocial / sociocultural
a. Poverty and deprivation
b. role overload
c. relocation and culture shock

Diagnosis of Mental Illness
• Health History
o current symptoms and previous history or mental disturbances
o current and previous role and social functioning
o suicide
o history from significant others

• Physical Examination
o History and PE should be comprehensive to rule out treatable physical illness
o Includes neurologic assessment

• Diagnostics
o No specific diagnostic tests for diagnosing a specific mental illness
o Therapeutic drug levels may be ordered throughout the course of treatment
o Brain Imaging, CT scan, MRI, Electrocephalogram may be acquired


• Published by the American Psychiatric Association
• Provides a common language for mental health professionals
• Lists of specific criteria necessary for assignment of a special mental disorder diagnosis

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